Thursday, January 31, 2013

DreadOut - Indonesian Survival Horror Game

So I got some really exciting news to share! A few days ago I was contacted to voice in the game picture above, called DreadOut. It's an Indonesian Survival Horror Game that's currently up for Greenlight voting on Steam. I was super stoked to be a part of it, as for anyone who knows me personally - I am a HUGE fan of Survival Horror games. Such as Fatal Frame, Silent Hill, Rule of Rose, etcetera.

 I recorded for the new demo they're going to be releasing, and received the opportunity to be Casting Director,  Voice Over Production Director as well as voice in it. Words can't even express how excited I am! I also offered my editing and script writing services for the localization of the game into English, so I will also be working on that. 

I've been avidly trying to work on a game as a casting director for over a year now, with little to no success. So I am just overjoyed by this opportunity - especially to be able to cast a game that looks this great from one of my favorite genres!

I have a lot of great ideas and can't wait to get started. I'll be receiving the scripts sometime next week to begin the localization process. After everything is cleared and situated with that I'll then begin the auditioning process. I'll post more about that when the time comes! Welp! That seems to be the gist of things for this update, please be sure to check out the Greenlight voting page  and spread the word so the game can get cleared for release!

I'll update more, what I can, as things move along. Eeee! <3

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Poodle Tales - Books 1-3 Released

I recently received two more of the books from the Poodle Tales series! I've been working on this project for almost two years now, as the voice for the audio book versions. The project has really blossomed into much more than that and it's so exciting to actually receive the hardcover books from one of my favorite projects!

Books two and three pictured above. They're absolutely adorable! 

The most exciting part by far is to actually see my name printed in the credits of the books for the Voice Overs. It's very surreal and really amazing to see!

The audiobook set has not been released yet, but you can pick up a hard cover or paperback book off of amazon! Please check them out as they're super cute.

The website is also here:

Book 01 - Book 02 - Book 03

Friday, January 25, 2013


This is just a small blog I decided to create to post about my adventures throughout my voice acting career. I want this to be a bit more personal then my website and a bit more interactive in terms of communication to any followers.

Looking forward to updating frequently!